8 Ball Swimming Pool Room【SDK3 VRChat Ready】
Preview: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_9f216cfe-e1c2-4f66-9a53-544bd5c472ae https://youtu.be/c714Dgvz5lA
■必須Asset Requirements:
SDK3 - Worlds - https://vrchat.com/home/download
UdonSharp - https://github.com/MerlinVR/UdonSharp/releases/latest
Qv Pen Udon [SDK3] (Optional 省略可能) : https://booth.pm/ja/items/1555789
Ukeyboard Chat (Optional 省略可能) : https://65536.booth.pm/items/2405422
Unity 2019.4.31f1: Compatible ✔ - 互換性 ✔
VRChat Ready ✔ - 使用する準備ができて ✔
Reflection Probe ✔ - リフレクションプローブ ✔
Light Probe Group ✔ - ライトプローブグループ ✔
Editing is allowed ✔ - 編集が許可されます ✔
Sale or Distribution to third parties prohibited ✘
第三者への販売または配布は禁止されています ✘
I don't take responsibility for any problems or losses caused by using this product.
Instruction & Video Tutorial: https://youtu.be/nCTmq7ozjkA
1) Following this order install:
• Udon Sharp
• Qv Pen Udon SDK3 (Optional 省略可能)
• UKeyboard (Optional 省略可能)
2) Install "SwimmingPoolRoom10-2021" and open "Saji Room.unity".
3) Go to: VRChat SDK-Show Control Panel
4) Login if you didn't, Setup Layer and Collision in builder and close the panel.
5) Go to Edit > Project Settings > Tags and Layers > Layers > Set User Layer 23 to "ht8b"
6) Go to Edit > Project Settings > Physics > In the first column "ht8b" uncheck all except "ht8b" (the last checkbox)
7) Well Done! Now you can upload the World!
Changelog 10-2021
Updated to last version of 8 ball
Updated to last version of USharpVideo Player
Unity 2019.4.31f1 Compatible ✔
Changelog 1.7 - 02/04/2021
- Compressed Skybox and other Textures
- Added sliding glass windows with switcher
- Improved and compressed FBX file
- Changed Building height 4 m to 3.50 m
- Filled Shelf
- Map size on VRChat after upload 40 MB
Changelog 1.5 - 29/03/2021
-Added Low Quality Mirror
-Added Night Mode (for people want to sleep with VR)
-Update 8 Ball Script
-Improved Several Textures and Materials
-Improved Windows
-Improved Collider
-Improved Local Time Digital Clock
-Improved Reflection Probe
-Improved Light Probe Group
Free materials and prefabs included in this asset 当アセットには以下の素材を利用させて頂いております。(敬称略).
Coquelicotz furnitures: https://coquelicotz.booth.pm
Starfield Skybox: https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/26166 / https://www.pulsarbytes.com/
VRC 8ball: https://github.com/Terri00/vrc8ball
USharpVideo Player: https://github.com/MerlinVR/USharpVideo/tree/v0.3.0
VRWaterShader2: https://booth.pm/en/items/1224312
VRC Starter Kit: https://booth.pm/en/items/979837
Picture Frame: https://booth.pm/en/items/1932886
Textures: https://cc0textures.com/
VRChat World Unity Package